Customer Testimonials

Poolcare installed my swimming pool over 30 years ago and it still gives me, my family, and now our grandchildren, lots of pleasure and fun.  Other than replacing the liner and filtration pump, the pool has been basically maintenance-free and we have enjoyed fabulous on-going service from Poolcare, supplying us with chemicals, other supplies, and maintenance.

Poolcare run an efficient, friendly business and they are always available. We are able to contact them at weekends and evenings should we need to.  Well done Poolcare!

We have had excellent service since Poolcare have been servicing the pool. The  water has never looked better and we are now regularly using the pool. Many thanks.

Poolcare have always given professional and reliable service over the last 15 years since I have been dealing with them.

Poolcare provides a service that is perfect for me.  It’s a family run business so it’s a personal service but is equally very professional and I have no hesitation in recommending them.